In 250 years of existence, Labrador Moravians experience God's love in wonderful ways.
Celebrating the Epiphany of our Lord

Introducing Brim Leigh Buchanan - our newest grandchild!

Monday, March 22, 2010
Our Redeemer's coming
Thank you Spirit, for dwelling in our presence May you ever triumph in our hearts!
Moravian Light in the HV Community

The chainsaw was really lite, and it was like all this power in your hands (heh-heh) - so I sawed away - and wa-la! A Moravian lovefeast candle. It was a beautiful hour and George & I met alot of people in the process. I handed out alot of my new pastor cards, so we'll see how Our Lord works with this. Jesus is the light of the World!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Baby Steps in Large Pastures
The past 4 weeks have whizzed by with Lent almost over. We have settled in - quite actually, it feels so much like home I almost feel guilty about not missing state-side life. George and I miss our friends, Moravian family, and of course our kids, but pretty much feel like they're all 'with us' in spirit. George I know misses his regular soccer and it gets old being unemployed, but he's making the best of the situation. He bakes alot of bread - hopefully a small income at some point - and is upping his computer tech skills as our computers both crashed.
We're still settling in, but there was a little bit of time to enjoy the Labrador Winter games, held every 4 years here in Happy Valley Goose Bay. Their Inuit Games are the favorite thing to watch where people of all ages compete in the Seal Walk, the High Kick, and many many more events. Imagine kicking a little stuffed seal toy hanging 6'9" from the ground.... and then landing on one foot! The girl that did that was only 5'5".
For the most part, most of my work to date has been in meeting and visiting people where they are; homes, senior care, hospital, and in community events. It is quite humbling to offer prayer and be thanked. My heart simply weeps for the spiritual hunger of these people. Surely God has amazing things in store for them over the coming year. Some of the exciting things happening include:
- A choir has begun at Happy Valley Moravian. They are a faithful few, and are bilingual.
- Table Talk - a Lenten Bible study where a subject is put out for the evening, and people are free to discuss, ask questions and share about it's relevancy in their lives. It was an idea taken from Martin Luther's passion for piety which has been well attended here since Ash Wednesday.
- Lenten Services on Wednesday evenings full of music, stories, and prayer.
- George is assisting with a men's fellowship breakfast to plan action for the year.
- Finance-Stewardship Committee. A wonderful group of people that whave been effective in prayerful planning.
- An education team working to begin planning an education program for Sunday School and a youth program come the fall; preparing teachers and leaders as well.
One exciting thing going this year is an anniversary "homecoming"; their first real one. In checking the archives, the foundation stone was first laid in October. So they're excited about this opportunity for a lovefeast, & they're inviting people to come in before the snow.
Another bit of excitement is a wedding taking place in July for which I was invited to officiate, and will be delivering the vows in sign language for the groom. I'll be brushing up on my sign language over the coming months, and the congregation is absolutely joyed for this occasion.
Last Sunday was especially nice in that as people left, it felt like they had just gotten up from a big "Thanksgiving' meal; full to the brim. What an amazing feeling. God is so good - and has been dwelling among us all around here. Staying focussed on Christ at all times is the challenge. We are so blessed by being here - I can scarcely fathom why this gift has been given to George and I. Then shall he give the rain of thy seed, that thou shalt sow the ground withal; and bread of the increase of the earth, and it shall be fat and pleneous; in that day shall thy cattle feed in large pastures. Eze.36:30. It's like Happy Valley is ready to grow in Christ. My hope is that all will come to the table and be refreshed, renewed, find peace, and find that the joy of this earthly life is Him, not all the other things. What wondrous love is this?! These people are a bless-ed beloved lot. Thank you for your prayers as we walk; one step at a time.
Your humbled servants, Glenna & George