Christ, our risen Lamb indeed, Christ, your ransomed people feed; at the end of earthly strife raise us, Lord, to endless life: Alleluia!
The Lord has Risen! He is Risen Indeed! These words echo in my mind - remembering that amazing morning. It was an incredible experience to share this time with the people here - in 2 languages and 3 services. Simplicity is so elegant by our God's design.
In approaching 4 weeks beyond that day, the sanctuary has been filled; many many new faces, singing at the top of one's voice, and especially children. All has been very moving, and humbling, as God provides restoration right before our eyes!
I've marveled at the people's natural sharing of one's resources; food, shelter, fostering children, firewood, to name a few. If someone is hungry, thirsty, needs healthcare, wood, or basically, a family to live with, people respond immediately. It comes from a long heritage of living on the land; providing for the needs of a distant neighbor whenever a need arises. It is not unusual for caribou meat to show up at one's door; enough to feed the family for a month. I am most thankful for what they teach me, and for their patience with me.
Our Unity Prayer Watch Day came last Friday where we opened the sanctuary, providing prayer stations equipped with prayer needs and hymn lyrics to sing silently or outloud;-however they were led. Only a handful of people came, but those few deeply appreciated the opportunity and experience.
The Men's Fellowship will be hosting a sanctuary roof-replacing fundrasiing dinner next week. The local grocery store, in their enthusiasm to see the men so united, has graciously donated all of the food for 150 people, are doing all of the advertising, selling tickets at their cash registers, and if that isn't enough - they're paying 5 employees to help serve the dinner! Takes my breath away; the providence and grace.
Recently, I invited a local youth I heard at a concert, to play her Euphonium at our worship service. She gratefully accepted, so I invited her to play anytime and to begin a beginners band. She accepted!
Most recently, one of the Girl Guide groups at the church invited me to teach their children handchimes along with their willingness to play for our worship, and again at their end-of-year ceremony. So we have begun practices, playing beautiful Moravian hymns. The girls are precious and excited to learn.
Limited only to space, I'll share one more recent opportunity to share the Gospel. The coastal community of Makkovik has invited me to continue my weekly Moravian Radio Hour. Thanks to the Women's Circle #3; providing the necessary equipment, I'm able to joyfully accomodate them - recording the exposition of the Sunday Daily Text lessons along with a variety of musical selections; vocal, keyboard, or musical artists. This is a tremendous blessing for me; a gift straight from God. Thank you Lord, for drawing us in the Spirit's tether together.
Thank you again and again for your prayers and support. Your words inspire both George and myself in all things. We look forward to engaging George's soccer gifts this summer in a home-grown VBS. You are welcome and invited to assist. We're looking at either early July, or the end of August.
Abundant grace and peace to you,
glenna & George