Celebrating the Epiphany of our Lord

Celebrating the Epiphany of our Lord

Introducing Brim Leigh Buchanan - our newest grandchild!

Introducing Brim Leigh Buchanan - our newest grandchild!

Monday, September 17, 2012

"My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness...."

"Holy Spirit, ever living as the church's very life; Holy Spirit, ever striving through us in a ceaseless strife; Holy Spirit, ever forming in the church the mind of Christ; you we praise with endless worship for your gifts and fruits unpriced." "Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ."  This is an update of what God is doing in Labrador these days.
Congregation members serving supper to 500 displaced
community members  at the Canadian Forces mess hall.
The Holy Spirit has been working in remarkable ways - thanks be to God! - and you'll see why. One of my confirmands stepped up to say that his life has been totally different since confirmation in 2011.  Scripture has changed his life!  He's purchased 3 bibles since and a concordance.  An older woman came forward to say she'd like to go to seminary.  Another woman said to me that she smelled frankenscense and myrrh with God leading her to Ephesians 5, and finally directing her to take religious classes.    A younger woman called to say she's totally inspired by scripture.  Her joy is evidence of that.  Another telephoned to share her excitement in a Psalm she was reading and wants to attend Bible study.  All come from different facets of the congregation, and all of this has been within the last 3 weeks.  Please pray for these folks and the rest of the congregation as they come to experience Christ in a living way.
Most recently, Happy Valley Moravian Church has begun it's first Stewardship series; entitled "Percentage Living", leading the congregation in the journey of prayer, worship, serving, percentage saving and spending, and devotion and sharing through tithing. Many of our congregation have stepped up to share their testimonies and offer encouraging invitations and challenges to move forward in these areas. Its been an exciting time. We've also celebrated holy baptism of 4 infants this month to add to the excitement.
Another event that's happened recently is the release of a new film highlighting the Moravian music history of Labrador over 250 years.  If you would like to peruse this film, simply go to this link below.  It is now available for viewing via CBC’s Video on-demand service at http://www.cbc.ca/nl/features/presents/till-we-meet-again/
Again, thank you for your prayer support.  May we all "encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called 'Today'" Hebrews 3:13 
Joyfully a servant of Christ,

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

To God Be The Glory Great Things He Has Done!

Whenever I used to go to the fabric store, I couldn't help but stand and stare at the large rack with all the sewing thread on it.  You know what I mean;  over a hundred beautiful colors to choose from, yet for my sewing project, I only needed the perfect choice of color to match my fabric.  Sometimes, the thread matched the fabric perfectly in hue, and sometimes, the thread was a contrast to the fabric.  Either way, the finished product was sturdy and usually a joy to wear or look at. 

Moravian Youth Camp 2012 in Hopedale
Makes me think of how God spins each of us as a thread; different colors, different textures and thicknesses; each according to the task(s) he has for us to do.  Then as we go about our day, sharing our thread with those (other threads) we encounter, each of us slowly becomes a rich tapestry of woven and beautiful fabric; unique in beauty and function for the next encounter(s).  Point being, every encounter in our lives, every disappointment, every joy, every challenge, from small to large, strengthens us for the upcoming encounters on the well-lit path and journies of life and faith.  Some of the seemingly most insignificant experiences turn out to be vital to our ministry;  like the guy in elementary school that took a snowball and smashed it into my face (I was in kindergarten!). Some people are sad and just need more love than others I remember thinking. (I also learned to take a different route home from school). 
Although I left the dastardly snowball scene in tears, I thank God for walking with me all the way; for not thinking "all boys" are mean, or for nurturing a bitterness towards the boy, or for developing an unwillingness to go out and seize the new day; all options we have the ability of selecting when done wrong.
All this said, let us give thanksgiving for God's grace in all things, for how he spins and weaves us over time, for how He draws us closer to Him with each passing encounter, for how He reveals Himself in the most amazing ways.  That is a lifetime of thanksgiving.  To God be the glory - great things He has done!