Celebrating the Epiphany of our Lord

Celebrating the Epiphany of our Lord

Introducing Brim Leigh Buchanan - our newest grandchild!

Introducing Brim Leigh Buchanan - our newest grandchild!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Hear The Angels Sing!

Telling the story of Jesus with puppets
There are many people in Labrador that peak my attention on a number of counts. I find that even though North Carolinians & Labradorians all brush their teeth evey night, read books & speak English, usually not a day goes by that I'm not overwhelmed with the differences in culture between the 2 locations. A true wonder to me might look like the relationship of a mother and her child, a natural wonder of the land, one's tenacity despite major challenges, or the bless-ed quietness & watchfulness of a person's soul.
Another thing my interest has been peaked by this week was the 'nature report' by a local biologist in the news. Two sightings of the white willow ptarmigan on the Trans Labrador highway (the same hwy Geo & I fell victim to in early 2010), a group of Bohemian waxwings observed in the valley feeding on the last remaining dogberries, not to mention a spotting of the dickcessel (the grassland bird). These are all signs of the lingering or premature arrival of God's creatures on the land signaling an extended fall season and a corresponding short winter in Labrador! Thanks be to God for Tony and the trappers who lead us all in showing us the signs of these important seasonal transitions. Unfortunately, as many birds and signs are observed around this region of Labrador, Tony and the trappers will never be able to predict the day of the first 'big' snow. Yet we all prepare for winter in some way.
Jesus wants us to know WHAT is our state of readiness for His coming? When a farmer prepares his land, he waits patiently for the rain to water the field because there is no way to predict the exact time, yet the farmer prepares.
So when our family comes during the holidays, we make the caribou stew, we tune up the skiddoo, we get out our red berries & bakeapples - it's not easy. My 2 questions are...Why do we prepare? 
Because we love to be with the ones we love. Well - so does God.  There's a huge gap between Him and us; HUGE!  He couldn't bear seeing us struggle so much, so He did something about it.1  The Cross.  
And, WHAT does our preparation to receive Jesus look like?  We look for need, like the wandering folks on the road each day needing a simple meal, or assisting in our new women's center, or helping single moms, or looking to bring relief to someone in depression through prayer or a cup of coffee.
Looking for a need in someone, and ministering to it, prepares our hearts for Jesus coming. And when we do, we recive a heavy dose of God's peace, God's joy, God's love. NO ONE on earth can make you feel that way.  You become immersed in God's grace.
In less than 4 weeks, we'll be singing:  "It came upon the midnight clear',........ 'peace on earth good will toward men, from heav'ns all gracious King', the world in solemn stillness lay, to hear the angels sing.'" 
"Be on guard! Be alert! Watch!" Jesus says.  Let us be about preparing our hearts, and we will be lead directly into the path of serving those out there that are in need of us. They're out there - in need of us - us!.... with our name written on their hearts - waiting for us. And when we respond to our name being called, we will hear the angels sing!

Soccer in the Streets (parking lot)
1 Gribble

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